Custom development

Digital transformation requires companies to be highly adaptable. However, if there are uses to which it is advisable to conform, it is also necessary to know how to impose oneself by standing out. Digitization also means knowing how to use digital tools to your advantage. To achieve this, it is sometimes useful to break away from standard tools and adopt customized solutions. That's the whole point of custom development.

Custom development: what's the point?

Custom development means building your digital tool (web portal, mobile or web application, showcase site...) from scratch, or adapting an existing code by integrating new features so that it is in total adequacy with your needs.

Time saving and efficiency

This speeds up the completion of tasks, which has a positive impact on the productivity and efficiency of teams.

Differentiation factor

You have a tool that looks like you and that you can customize as you wish. In doing so, you put all the chances on your side to control your internal and external communication.

Cost control and flexibility

You have, from the beginning, a precise idea of the budget to devote to your project. Whether it concerns the development of a module, the development of a Prestashop theme, an application on a Laravel framework or the complete redesign of the site, the costs to be agreed upon are explicit.

A team of developers for your custom developments

Work serenely with suitable and adaptive tools

Choose a solution that will meet your needs and your evolution.

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Custom development: how does it work?

As with any web project, custom development follows a multi-step process. When developing an ERP system, a customer relationship management system or any other business application, there is one important step that must not be missed: identifying business needs.

Definition of the requirements

An application is only useful if it meets clearly established business needs. In most cases, we look for tools that promote communication and collaboration and that allow the automation of repetitive tasks. This makes it easier for the company to improve its performance and competitiveness. In this perspective, it is important to have a clear idea of the needs of the teams in order to better understand their expectations.

Drafting of the specifications

The specifications are the central point of your project. It is therefore essential to its success. It includes all the technical specifications of the IT solution to be developed. It must be concise and as exhaustive as possible. The drafting of the document is done in consultation with the client. You must clearly express your needs so that we can transpose them precisely. The specifications mention, among other things, the budget and the project schedule.

The development phase

The project manager sets about building his team. Depending on the nature and scope of the solution to be developed. In all cases, we provide you with professionals with proven expertise. Custom development requires absolute technical mastery. To avoid any approximation, our team includes experienced developers who work with several languages. The writing of the lines of code is based on precise technologies.

Tests and production launch

After the development phase, it is important to thoroughly test the application to prove its reliability. The tests are carried out on several configurations and scenarios in order to understand the consequences of using the software in real conditions. Once the tests are validated, we move on to deployment and user training. We take advantage of this step to instill good practices in terms of security and data handling.

Contact our developers team

You are a company in search of a personalized IT solution. Whatever your needs (application, module or custom theme), our team is at your disposal. Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your project.